Quonset Business Park

Home to the Port of Davisville

Map of Quonset in relation to nearby population and transportation centers

New England's Premier Commercial & Industrial Park

Centrally located in the Southern New England business region with 35 million people within a three-hour drive. The Quonset Business Park provides jobs to over 14,000 people in 250 companies and produces over $5.9 Billion in economic output annually for the State of Rhode Island.

Located on Rhode Island’s Narragansett Bay, the Quonset Business Park has world-class transportation and utility infrastructure and is rich in amenities, location, and history.

Create Jobs  •  Stimulate Private Sector Investment  •  Create Additional Tax Base

Social Media

It's never too early to start spring cleaning! Thank you to our hardworking maintenance team for adding a fresh coat of paint to the Business Park's jersey barriers.

Quonset Development Corporation invites you to a conversation with Rhode Island Energy (@wearerienergy) on Thursday, Feb. 13. Learn about upcoming electric and gas system projects and provide your feedback.

Register at http://forms.office.com/r/j2R5pnbNn9 to secure your spot!

Bill Harsch lived his life in service to the people of Rhode Island and the preservation of our environment. His accomplishments are innumerable, and the QDC is grateful for his valuable contributions as a member of our board of directors.

We're proud to serve as @REGENTCraft's global headquarters. The company's success sends a clear message — Quonset Business Park is a place where businesses can grow and thrive.

Officially broke ground on REGENT's Seaglider Manufacturing Facility today!

255,000 square feet of American manufacturing capacity to deliver seagliders to commercial and defense customers.

Opening in 2026 in @QuonsetRI

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Port of Davisville

Rhode Island's premiere public port

Planning & Development

Forms and regulations

RFPs & Public Bids

Information on open opportunities

Looking For Work?

There are more than 200 companies and over 14,000 jobs at the Quonset Business Park!

Rhode Island Site Readiness Program

The RI Ready program is a statewide industrial site readiness initiative designed to prepare sites to achieve pre-permitted status and managed by QDC. This program will provide access to an array of “wrap around” services designed to create an inventory of pre-permitted properties ready for industrial development throughout the State.